My addiction to LDS ficton began when I was in 4th grade. And the book that got me hooked was Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites
by Chris Heimerdinger. I have probably re-read this series 5 or 6 times since then. I even wrote Mr. Heimerdinger a letter telling him how much I loved his books. He graciously sent me a long letter and the first chapter of the next book in the series. (I actually met him last year and told him I had been reading his books since I was in 4th grade. He said that made him feel old!)
There are now 10 books in the series and I have been "patiently" waiting for 5 whole years for the next edition to the story to come out. And . . . drum roll please . . . the 11th installment is coming out sometime this fall!! It is called Sorcerers and Seers and I can hardy contain my excitement!!
We're fans too! :)