Book Bug: I'm so excited to have the author of the Lor Mandela trilogy with us today with an absolutely enchanting interview! Welcome to "The Book Bug," Lisa!
L. Carroll: Thank you for having me on your blog, Lexie. It’s such a thrill and an honor to be interviewed by you!!!
L. Carroll is a wife, and a mom of five, who writes because if she pretends to travel to magical worlds, makes up wild tales, and carries on conversations with the voices in her head, it's considered mental illness. BUT, if she pretends to travel to magical worlds, makes up wild tales, carries on conversations with the voices in her head, AND writes it all down, it's a perfectly normal "author" thing to do. She is the author of the YA fantasy trilogy "Lor Mandela". Book #1, "Destruction from Twins" released in February 2010, and the second book, "Four Hundred Days" debuted in July of 2011. Watch for book #3 “And So it Must End”, scheduled for release in fall of 2012.
Book Bug: Ha ha ha!! You crack me up! I wish I had voices in my head telling me how to write great novels!
Now, on to the questions. First off, I'm always curious to find out when and why did you begin writing?
L. Carroll: I literally woke up one morning after a super cool dream and thought, "Hey…I wonder if I could actually write a whole book." That's really all there was to it. I just wanted to see if I could. Now, I have two books out and am working on numbers 3, 4 and 5…and I still wonder if I can do it. :o)
Book Bug: What book(s)/author(s) have influenced your life and writing?
L. Carroll: I’m a GINORMOUS fan of Jane Austen (who isn’t?), and Lucy Maud Montgomery. I think my favorite book of all time, though is Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. I would love to say that any one of these amazing authoresses has influenced my writing, but I don’t dare presume to be anywhere close to becoming a member of that league! Of course, J.K. Rowling is a huge inspiration for anyone who writes fantasy and it’s hardly coincidence that my desire to see if I could pen a novel surfaced shortly after I’d read The Prisoner of Azkaban.
Book Bug: I adore Jane Austen and Lucy Maud Montgomery! And who doesn't love Harry Potter?
So, that is quite a mix of different genres. What is your favorite type of book to read/write?
L. Carroll: I tend to have literary schizophrenia! Classics, mystery, fantasy, romance, left-handed Zanzabanian epics…I read just about anything. And the psychosis hardly ends with reading. My first books Destruction from Twins and Four Hundred Days in the LOR MANDELA series are fantasy, but I’m also working on a series of mystery novels and a Christmas book.
In both my writing and reading, though, I lean toward YA, ‘cause isn’t that when all the fun stuff in life happens?
Book Bug: I think that is why so many books are written around YA. I still enjoy reading about them!
What is your writing process? Do you follow a regular routine?
L. Carroll: Routine, schmoutine…uh…sorry! No, I don’t really follow a routine. I probably should, but I find that whenever I try to have one, I fail. So, there you go. As far as my writing process, (this is so embarrassing… for my kids) I have this weird habit of acting out each scene before I write it. I’ve found that the finished product flows more realistically when I do. I’m sure I look utterly ridiculous dancing around and yelling at myself, (hence, my children’s embarrassment).
Book Bug: So, during your acting sessions, do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, what do you do about it?
L. Carroll: Luckily, I don’t get writer’s block too often, and I've noticed that it's typically a result of fatigue or lack of sleep. A nap usually helps, (ahhh, a nap), but if it doesn't, I'll force myself to at least write something…even if it's horrible! For some reason, when I start to tweak the awful lines I've managed to eek out, it seems to get the RIGHT words flowing again.
Book Bug: What do you think are the most important elements of good writing?
L. Carroll: For me, an author’s ability to paint pictures with words rates right up at the top of the list. That’s what makes J.K. Rowling so good. After reading just a couple of her sentences, you find yourself standing in the middle of a dark, hazy street, chilled to the bone, and wondering if you, or anyone around you, will make it out alive. I love being pulled in to the story!
Book Bug: What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
L. Carroll: Uht oh! Here comes the schizophrenia again, (hehehe). I like to plan weddings, design landscapes, hang with my kids and/or hubby, sing, write music, Photoshop it up, edit film, bake, torment passersby, ya know…the usual.
Book Bug: Wow!! Literally, how do you find the time? All I have time to do is take care of my kids, read occasionally, and do some blogging!
Lastly, Do you have any advice for other writers?
L. Carroll: One thing I’ve discovered is how important it is for a writer to develop a HUGE love of his or her own work. I’m not talking conceit here, but the facts are these: Not everyone likes the same music or movies…or books. Great reviews will come; so will bad ones—perhaps even NASTY ones. While it’s natural for an author to wonder if his or her books are good enough, (even without the assistance of negative reviews), you will be able to withstand the jabs a whole lot better if you, yourself, love…not just like, but LOVE what you’ve written.
Book Bug: That is fantastic advice that I think everyone need to hear no matter what profession/hobby they are involved in.
I really appreciate L. Carroll being here today. Now, go check out her fabulous books!
About the Books

What happens when spies from a distant dying world mistake a small-town girl for the missing child who has been chosen to save them? Chaos, mystery, adventure, and even a little romance ensue in this action-packed, young adult, fantasy adventure. Part one of the Lor Mandela Trilogy, "Destruction from Twins", is a thrill-ride that will keep readers guessing right up to the very last page.
Available for purchase on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, CreateSpace, and Smashwords.
Immortality doesn’t always last forever. An evil tyrant is destroying Earth, blowing it up town by town. Will Audril, the heiress to the Lor Mandelan throne, be able to stop him without jeopardizing everything and everyone she loves?
first book in the Lor Mandela series!
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